Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Celebrity Sexy Body female fat burner may not work

Many mothers are too anxious to lose weight after having a baby. Remember that you cannot lose weight suddenly using artificial methods like taking Celebrity Sexy Body female fat burner because it may be harmful to your baby if you are still nursing.

So, never attempt to take any female fat burner like Celebrity Sexy Body because it is not advisable by the medical doctors. Check with them before you embark on losing weight drastically using Celebrity Sexy Body female fat burner, ok?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

LinkXL helps Wordpress bloggers make money

Recently, I stumbled upon a new way to make money by selling links in our old blog posts.

I have a post in my Make Money blog on how LinkXL make money for me. So, if you are a blogger and wish to explore this method of making money, do check out my post. Unfortunately, LinkXL does not work on Blogger blogspot blog.

If you are blogging on Wordpress, then, it is very easy because all you need is to upload the Wordpress plugin for LinkXL and let the links sell on their own.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Alert on Hand Foot Mouth disease outbreak in China

This is a piece of news that moms may want to take note of. Currently, May 2008, there is an outbreak of the flu virus EV 71 and several children had died. The numbers are rising.

I have some useful information over at my parenting blog and you may want to find out more about the hand foot mouth disease. Remember to ensure proper hygiene and get your little one to wash their hands thoroughly. If they attend kindie, check that the other children are healthy as usually, the outbreak from kindie spreads very fast.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Where to find good children dentist?

A friend of mine wanted to find a good children dentist or pediatric dentist because her four years old girl has a cavity. She freaked out at the thought of bringing her little girl to see her regular dentist who is a burly big man with a long beard. So, she wants to make sure that the first experience of seeing a children dentist will not traumatise her girl.

She asked me to help her to ask around for a reliable and cheerful children dentist. I have searched on the internet for some links for her and I hope she will be able to bring her daughter to see the children dentist without much hassle.

I dread the day when I myself need to bring my boy to see a children dentist because I hate dentists. It is a childhood trauma as there weren't any nice children dentist then.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Useful links for Chinese Confinement foods

Chinese women are sometimes asked to follow some strict rules during the post-natal period. Nowadays, not everyone follow the dos and don'ts but still, there are some very useful things to remember like not getting chills, not being exposed to drafts and eat healthy foods.

Chinese post-natal moms are given special dishes to eat to help in their child birth recovery. You can find some good and excellent sites online where there are easy recipes to follow.

Chinese Confinement Foods is one of such site.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Miscarriage Story & Multiple Miscarriages

When you are focussing on trying to conceive a baby, the last thing that usually occurs to you is the possibility that you might lose it, unless of course you have previously suffered pregnancy loss. Especially when experiencing the type of euphoria that overwhelms you when you find you’ve been successful after a long time, it can be virtually impossible to allow such an awful possibility to gain access to your head.

And if, like me, you haven’t devoured an entire library of pregnancy books, spines and all, before becoming pregnant you can be blissfully ignorant of the things that can go wrong with pregnancy. And even if you do like to be prepared for all eventualities, in the effort to remain positive and uplifting, to convey the joy of pregnancy, most of the pregnancy books devote little coverage to topics such as what to expect during miscarriage or what a miscarriage looks like. For that you need to go straight to the books entitled ‘Miscarriage’ and who, when newly pregnant, is doing that, no matter what paranoid tendencies they may possess? Even when I was finally pregnant again after my first miscarriage I was not tempted. Well, not much, only a bit. I confess that I may have picked one up and peeped inside before realizing I was on the verge of taking leave of my senses and put it hurriedly back on the shelf.

So, how do you know if you’ve had a miscarriage and not realized it? Especially if you hadn’t heard or read anything about it beforehand, it is entirely possible to have missed it altogether. Statistics on miscarriage are based on ‘known pregnancies’ and do not take into account women who miscarry when they didn’t know they were pregnant. Generally it is passed off as a particularly heavy or nasty period, with heavier than usual bleeding accompanied by some clotting. A pregnancy test when taken up to several days after a miscarriage will still show a positive result. My state of denial after my second miscarriage was so strong that I frantically took two further tests, despite an ultrasound having shown nothing but an empty sac and the fact that I’d bled the equivalent of small dam, and both of them showed the strong double line. I called my doctor, who told me that the pregnancy hormones could remain in my system for up to a week.

Miscarriage emotions, on the other hand can last a lot longer and can vary widely: from hysteria involving wailing uncontrollably and flinging oneself at objects like a Greek widow at a funeral, to the depths of despair causing curling up in foetal position for days at a time, to a kind of blank dissociative state where you go through the motions of living without feeling anything.

Is it harder to conceive after a miscarriage? Personally I found it hard to conceive before and after my miscarriages but this was due to a whole host of reasons, which may or may not have been linked to the miscarriages themselves. My doctors, after each miscarriage, advised me to ideally wait three months before trying again, to ‘allow the system to get back into order’ or words to that effect. Yet I’ve met many women who didn’t even wait to have another period, they resumed trying again right away and fell pregnant first go. Even after loss of infant due to miscarriage, when the miscarriage is later in the pregnancy and not far from a still birth, women conceive relatively quickly and successfully. I had a work colleague who lost a baby at twenty weeks and just over a year later she gave birth to a healthy child.

So, achieving pregnancy after a miscarriage is more likely to be difficult if you had difficulties before the miscarriage, like myself. Some women, after the initial ‘hiccup’ will sail through and never have another problem whereas there are those of us who will experience a spectrum of problems in our endeavours to have a child. Something to remember is that, if one in four (including the unknown) pregnancies end in miscarriage, the more pregnancies you achieve there is some chance that you may lose one of them.

For more articles by the author go to:

Jodi Panayotov is the author of ‘In Vitro Fertility Goddess’ and has been described as "Australia's answer to Bridget Jones" (ABC Radio) as she uses sharp humour to help fertility-challenged women overcome this all-consuming affliction.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Natural Remedies Can Aid Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding, And Baby Care

Since their ancient origins, natural and organic remedies are making new strides every day to help improve the various aspects of the journey for mother and baby from conception to the nursery.

The First Trimester:

You have checked it out, and now you are sure you are an expectant mom. You may be able to avoid some of the digestive disturbances that may show up during pregnancy, like nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) with a safe alternative to the over the counter and prescription medications that many people fear might have side-effects as well as adverse effects on the development of your unborn child.

The Second Trimester:

For many woman worries about things like stretch marks and the effects of pregnancy on the body enter the picture. Now natural oils and other natural and organic products can help soften the skin and underlying tissue and prevent or reduce the formation stretch marks.

The Third Trimester:

The last month before your due date is approaching, you are both looking forward to holding your baby, and at the same time you are feeling nervous about labor and birth.

You may find help for these feelings in the natural herbal remedies passed down through the generations, by mothers and midwives that cared for women during pregnancy and giving birth.

Recovery from childbirth:

The "postpartum period" is the term given to the 6 weeks following delivery. With a vaginal delivery you may be up after a few days, but it will take several weeks to complete the healing process. With a Caesarean birth it will take longer to heal due to the surgery. Pregnancy and childbirth have put a strain on you mentally and physically, and here again there are natural remedies to help return you to your pre-pregnancy state.

Your Baby:

Your newborn can also profit from natural remedies for cradle cap, teething, diaper rash, and many other items such as organic bedding and a natural all around nursery.

Natural and organic remedies have been gaining a new respect lately, as practitioners of traditional medicine begin to recognize the ability of hundreds of thousands of herbs and other natural products that have the capabilities to enhance comfort, health, Mental Attitude, Appearance, and Performance.

Joe Rote has spent 18 years in the health field, and is the webmaster of that will point you to high quality information, and natural herbal remedies that are produced under pharmaceutical conditions to ensure the highest degree of potency and consistency.